Free Disability Case Evaluation: If you or a loved one has been been disabled you should contact our law firm immediately. Good legal representation is your right and may help to increase your chances of being approved for Social Security disability benefits.
Social Security Disabilty Cases
Should I Hire A Disability Lawyer?
There are many benefits to having a lawyer represent you early on in a Social Security disability determination case. The most important reason reason to hire an attorney is that your chances of being approved are significantly higher than without representation. While it's true that some people who apply on their own are approved for benefits, statistics have shown that applicants with legal counsel are more likely to be approved by Social Security then those without.
The Earlier, The Better.

Hiring a lawyer will increase your chances of filing a successful disability claim with Social Security.
Generally speaking, the earlier you involve a lawyer in your Social Security disability case, the better. The costs associated with this type of case are relatively straightforward. A disability attorney charges a fee based on the lesser of amount of 25% of your disability backpay or $6,000. No money is required up front for the initial consultation. Costs may rise if the case goes to Appeals Council.
If you're considering filing a Social Security disability claim, contact our office to see how we can help. I can evaluate the strength of your case and assist you in filing the claim. I can offer advice on your “alleged onset date” of disability and argue that your condition meets one of the listed impairments in Social Security's “Blue Book.” Since you're more likely to be approved with legal counsel and if approved at the initial application level you'll only owe a small attorney's fee. If the case is denied I can craft a sophisticated legal argument showing that Social Security wrongly denied your case.
Hire A Lawyer To Help with Social Security
Disability Claims.
If you need to file a disability claim contact us to see if we can help.