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Free Consumer Fraud Case Evaluation: If you or a loved one thinks you are a victim of fraud you should contact our law firm immediately. Good legal representation is your right and may help to recover your money.

Consumer Fraud Cases

Are You A Victim Of Consumer Fraud?

Consumer Fraud goes by many names and can take place anywhere. Scams occur through brick and mortar stores, through the mail, over the internet, or anywhere business is transacted. Federal and State laws prohibit misleading or deceptive trade practices. If you think you've been cheated in a consumer transaction contact me to see how I can help. We can craft a lawsuit to help you resolve your dispute and help get your money back.


The most common types of consumer fraud are:


  • Identity theft

  • Telemarketing scams

  • Advanced Fee Schemes

  • Online Shopping Fraud

  • Nigerian 419 Fraud

  • Bait and Switch

Motorcycle Accident Injury

If you've been scammed it's time to talk to a lawyer. 

A Local Lawyer Can Help You.

If you think you are a victim of consumer fraud contact us to see if we can help.

William Pfister Jr., Attorney At Law

830 Broad Street

Suite 4

Shrewsbury, NJ 07702

(732) 268-8928


© 2019 William Pfister Jr., Esq. LLC

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