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Free Personal Injury Case Evaluation: If you or a loved one has experienced an injury, you should contact our law firm immediately. You may be entitled to compensation by filing a lawsuit and we can help.

Personal Injury Claims

What Is a Personal Injury Claim?

There are two aspects to every personal injury case. The person injured, or plaintiff, has the burden of proof. The plaintiff must show, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant was negligent. Therefore, the plaintiff must establish a duty on the defendant(s). For example, a driver must operate their vehicle in a reasonably safe manner upon the public roads.


The injured person must also prove damages, including medical bills, lost wages, etc.  Finally, the plaintiff has the burden of proof to show, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the defendant’s breach of duty (negligence) is what caused, in a legal sense, the plaintiff’s damages.  


Being able to evaluate a case is a skill that only comes with time.  There is a blend of many factors that go into a successful resolution of a personal injury case.  They include the plaintiff’s appearance, personality and credibility, the permanent effects of the injury and the degree to which the defendant was negligent.


What I offer is honesty in evaluating any potential claim, the expertise to prosecute the claim successfully and the hard work necessary to accomplish your goals.

Motorcycle Accident Injury

You may be entitled to relief if you've had a

workplace accident.

A Lawyer Can Help

If you or a loved one has sustained injuries you may be eligible for compensation. Contact us to see if we can help.

William Pfister Jr., Attorney At Law

830 Broad Street

Suite 4

Shrewsbury, NJ 07702

(732) 268-8928


© 2019 William Pfister Jr., Esq. LLC

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